Monday, December 5, 2011

Big vs Small Apearences

Do you know anyone who looks 'big' but acts 'small'? Or vice-versea? Its kinda like saying someones "Bark is more than their bite". They may seem big and tough, but on the inside, they're actually soft and not as intimidating as they seem. It goes the same the other way around; some people that look small could actually be 'tougher' or more than they seem. This also ties into the saying of  "Don't judge a book by it's cover". I think that sometimes physical appearances are related to their personalities, because they could change their appearance to match their personality, but there's also many times where its the opposite. Often times, people that may originally look big, aren't really. Once you actually meet them and find out who they are, you learn that they're different than they seem.

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